Intro to the Immanuel Approach Online Workshop

Western Hemisphere time: Dec 5 2019 2:30-4:00pm US Central Time
Equivalent Eastern Hemisphere time: Dec 6 6:30-8am Brisbane East Australia Time

Brief Description: This workshop will offer a brief introduction to the Immanuel Approach also called Immanuel Prayer which was developed primarily by Dr Karl Lehman as a way of deepening our relational connection with God as well as deepening in the healing and growth God has for us. Immanuel Approach combines learning from brain science and Christian spirituality. This would be a great workshop if you just learning about Immanuel Prayer and want to understand it a little better. We also welcome people who already have experience.

Format: Workshop will be interactive. We will combine some teaching in a large group setting as well as short break outs into small groups to connect to peers and practice a little bit of the first steps of the Immanuel Approach namely sharing positive memories and appreciation.

Cost: Free

Facilitators: Andy Ross with Michael Schaefer

All who feel inspired to come are welcome to attend.