Request Training or Workshops

New Training Groups and Events

New training groups and events are launched on a regular basis. These are organised and tailored specifically to meet the needs of your organisation, church, ministry, community or practice group. Individuals and friends are welcome to join open groups and the other events posted on the website. Please contact us if you have specific requests or join the email list if you are interested in specific training for your organization.

How to request a training group?

We have found that six participants plus the facilitator is an ideal size for skills development groups, yet larger groups can be accommodated. If you wish to initiate a training group see how many people you can gather and come up with a preferred time plus a desired level for the group to be run for. i.e. Basic for beginners, Basic/Intermediate for those who have done the Basic group or have other prior experience, Intermediate or Intermediate/Advanced. Check your time zone and see how it matches up with Brisbane, Australia. Contact Michael with your proposal. When times and dates are established remaining available positions can be offered to those who have requested to be included in future groups. If you don’t have contacts at this stage to form a group with yet desire to invited into one, you can register your request here: let us know your interest Let us know a couple of ideal times for you and include your City/timezone.