Immanuel Prayer and Friendship With God

Series 1: Getting Connected (With God and One Another)

Learn the basics of the Immanuel Approach while deepening your friendship with God.


This 3 workshop series is designed to help people learn the basics of the Immanuel Approach while deepening their friendship with Jesus. The goal of this series is to help people get connected with God and get connected with one another at least to the point that our brains can relax and engage with what God has for us. The Immanuel Approach (commonly called Immanuel Prayer) is an interactive prayer model developed by Dr Karl Lehman which is being used increasingly among churches, campus ministries, prayer ministers, counselors, and in other settings.


June 22 “Workshop 1: Foundations of Joy, Rest, and Love
June 22, USA 2:30-4pm (4:30 with optional sharing time) Chicago Central time, (3:30-5 or 5:30pm Eastern Time)
Equivalent June 22, 8:30-10 (or 10:30) pm London
Equivalent June 23 , 5:30-7 or (7:30) am Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney

June 29 “Workshop 2: Appreciation and Awareness
June 29, USA 2:30-4pm (4:30 with optional sharing time) Chicago Central time, (3:30-5 or 5:30pm Eastern Time)
Equivalent June 22, 8:30-10 (or 10:30) pm London
Equivalent June 23 , 5:30-7 or (7:30) am Brisbane, Melbo
urne, Sydney

July 6 “Workshop 3: Invitation and Interaction
July 6, USA 2:30-4pm (4:30 with optional sharing time) Chicago Central time, (3:30-5 or 5:30pm Eastern Time)
Equivalent June 22, 8:30-10 (or 10:30) pm London
Equivalent June 23 , 5:30-7 or (7:30) am Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney

Additional Description: Each workshop includes an introduction, simple yet powerful exercises, and time for sharing and debriefing the experience. The exercises are designed to be as safe as possible and are always optional. Participants are welcome to attend one, some, or all of the workshops. The content will build week to week, but remains easy enough that each workshop can stand alone. The exercises are designed to be simple enough to be used immediately in your own life even with people who have no experience with Immanuel prayer. Each workshop will be 90 minutes for the content and exercises with an optional additional 30 minutes at the end for sharing stories and reflecting on our experiences from the exercises.

I plan to follow this series with several other series that each explore various aspects of the Immanuel Approach including

  • Foundations for Connecting With God: Series already completed on laying the foundations for connecting.
  • Greater Awareness of God: Series already completed on building blocks increasing our awareness of God
  • Getting Connected With God: This is our current series which teaches basics of establishing an interactive connection with God in positive memories/places through Immanuel Prayer.
  • Staying Connected With God: Will teach the basics of maintaining an interactive connection.
  • Addressing Blocks and Limits to Connecting With God: Will teach the basics of troubleshooting and addressing blockages.
  • Immanuel Approach for Emotional Healing: Teaches about processing negative memories with the Immanuel Approach
  • Deeper Still: Explores the ongoing journey falling deeper into love and friendship with God

Logistical Details:

Facilitator: Andy Ross

Format: Workshops combine both full group teaching and debrief and smaller break out groups of 3 or 4 people for practice times. Each workshop will be 90 minutes for the content and exercises with an optional additional 30 minutes at the end for sharing stories and reflecting on our experiences from the exercises.

Participants can register for one, multiple, or all sessions.

Cost: Free/Suggested $15-30 voluntary donation per workshop. There is no obligation to give though contributions are greatly appreciated and help free up our time to do these workshops, create training material, and subsidize training groups for those who can’t afford the normal rates. You will see an option to make a gift when you register or you can always access the donate page.

Prerequisites: No previous experience needed. Please invite your friends.

Recording: Note that we record teaching and full group discussion portions of some of our workshop to use as training resources for people who were not able to attend the workshop. Break out rooms will not be recorded. Please email or contact us within a week of the workshop if you would like us to remove you or any comments you want removed from the edited version of the training video. Click here if you would like to read more about our thoughts and practices regarding recordings.

Group Guidelines:

Below are a few guidelines to help the group feel as safe and connected as possible. Each person’s presence really matters in the group and these are some things that can help us all care for each other and be present to each other.

  1. Everything is optional: to promote a sense of safety all exercises are optional and voluntary.
  2. Respect confidentiality: unless someone is in danger of harm, or you have been given permission by the person to share, we ask group members to keep personal sharing by others confidential.
  3. Lean in lean out: If you tend to talk a lot, try to hold space for those who are more quiet, and if you tend to be more quiet you may try to lean in and share a little more. Try if possible to listen to your gut sense about what the Holy Spirit may is encouraging you to share or keep within your own heart.
  4. Please be caring: People tend to do really well with this one.
  5. Please call in from a private room/space where other people will not be listening in or walking by as this can feel uncomfortable for other participants who may be sharing vulnerable things.
  6. Please don’t drive while on the call.

Over time our workshops have developed a solid culture of welcome, safety, connection, and freedom to flow with God’s Spirit. Our main expectations are simply that we be caring toward one another, create space for one another, and remain open to what God’s Spirit is doing. We look forward to the honor of your presence.

Credits: Photo courtesy of Kirschner Amao via

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